How to Install Ubuntu on virtual box

In this post, we will try an easy way to try to install Ubuntu Desktop on a virtual box. VirtualBox is a general-purpose virtualizer. this is available for various operating systems like Linux, Mac, Windows, etc.

Before, the installation process, we need to download the ISO file for Ubuntu. all the versions of Ubuntu are available on the official site of Ubuntu.

Download the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS  ISO image from the Ubuntu website
Open Virtual Box and click on the 'new' button to create a Virtual Machine.

(If not installed virtual machine click here to install)

1. Name: Ubuntu (or any other name you want)

2. Type: select Linux

3. Version: Ubuntu (64-bit)

4. Memory Size: choose to Memory size according to your system RAM (Half of your System RAM)

5. Check on 'creating a virtual hard disk now'

install ubuntu

Choose file size and create (Recommended 100 GB at least)

Now your virtual machine created

Click on storage to install Ubuntu OS

1. Storage
2. Click on empty
3. Select Optical Drive
4. Choose the ISO image of Ubuntu

After mounting the Ubuntu ISO image click on ok

Now Click on the start button

After clicking on the start button wait for further option

Now follow the below steps in order to complete the installation

Click on the  Install Ubuntu option (if you want to try once before installing then you can click on try ubuntu)
Select Keyboard layout and click on the continue button
check on the boxes for Normal installation and download updates while installing ubuntu.
Click on the Install Now button. (No need to worry about the Erase disk option, It will erase the disk inside the VirtualBox only) 
Click on the continue button, and proceed 
Select your location and time zone
Put your computer's name and set a password.
Wait for the installation process. It will take time as per your internet speed.

Now Installation is completed click on Restart Now

Now Ubuntu is installed on your virtual machine and ready to use

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