Customization Dspace JSPUI Interface

Let us know how to customize the JSPUI interface in DSpace 6.3 version

1Replace the default DSpace Branding Heading and Dspace logo

Dspace default header

Create a Header image, Put it in the home folder, and Copy it into the jspui/image folder from the home folder.

cp header.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/image

Open the terminal, log in with the root user and apply the following command to open the file.

sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/layout/header-default.jsp

Find the below lines in the file and comment with the tags  (<%--   --%>)   


<div class="container banner">

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-9 brand">
            <h1><fmt:message key="jsp.layout.header-default.brand.heading" /></h1>
            <fmt:message key="jsp.layout.header-default.brand.description" />
        <div class="col-md-3"><img class="pull-right" src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/image/logo.gif" alt="DSpace logo" />


Add the following HTML line under the commented Syntax. See the below picture. (Or replace the above lines with the given below HTML Line.  ) 

<img src="/jspui/image/header.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="" />

Save and close

2. Edit Top News 

Now log in to the  Dspace Repository with a Username and Password

Administrator➞General setting➞edit news➞Top News

Replace the default HTML codes with the below HTML codes. After than save and close.

<p style="margin-top:5px; text-align:justify;" class="well">Welcome to <strong>Digital Repository of MANC</strong>. You can access here variety of data including subject-related Notes, E-books, Project Reports, Previous year's Question Papers, Dissertations, Thesis, and other forms of content. All resources are arranged on the basis of community and collection which helps user to easily categorize</p></div></div>

Change the Repository name welcome message (Red Color) accordingly. 

3. Edit sidebar News

Administrator➞General setting➞edit news➞sidebar news

As I want to display nothing in the area of the sidebar so delete the default code. Save and close.

4. Change fav-icon

Create a favicon with any favicon generator tool and make three more copies of it in the home folder. Now rename all four copies named  favicon1.ico, favicon2.ico, favicon3.ico, and favicon4.ico. Look like the following image.

Now apply the following commands one by one  

sudo mv favicon1.ico /dspace/webapps/jspui/favicon.ico

sudo mv favicon2.ico /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/favicon.ico

sudo mv favicon3.ico /build/dspace-src-release/dspace/modules/jspui/target/war/work/org.dspace-jspui/favicon.ico

sudo mv favicon4.ico /build/dspace-6.3-src-release/dspace/tatget/dspace-installer/webapps/jspui/favicon.ico

5. Change The ''Dspace at My University'' from the Location bar

Apply the following command to open configure file

sudo gedit /dspace/config/dspace.cfg
Replace the "Dspace at My University" with the Name of your Depository 


6. Change the Footer

Open the footer page from the layout with gedit
sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/layout/footer-default.jsp

Find the page footer and add the following lines under the footer and comment (<%--      --%> on the default footer codes as the given screenshot below. Change the red color words as per your particulars.

<footer class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-bottom">
 <div id="designedby" class="container text-muted">
 <div id="footer_feedback" class="pull-right">
<p class="text-muted">
                 © 2022 Copyright:<a target="_blank" href=""> MANC</a> | Implemented and Designed by: Vijender Kumar</a></p>

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