How To Take Backup of Dspace Automatically on Dropbox

Dspace backup

(Dropbox provides 2 GB of cloud storage that lets you save files online and sync them to your devices. After installation of the Dropbox app, A dropbox folder appears in the home directory of your Linux machine. We can add the files, and folders in the dropbox folder, which can be accessed from anywhere through the Dropbox account)

Let us know how to set a crontab to take scheduled backups of Dspace in dropbox (Cloud storage)

Install the Dropbox app on your Ubuntu machine. Create or log in with your account credentials. Now you will find a Dropbox directory in the home directory of your Linux machine. We have to set a crontab to take scheduled backups in the  Dropbox folder. Deposited backup in a Dropbox folder can be accessed from anywhere using a Dropbox account.

Take Backup in Dropbox using bash script:-

Open the terminal 

sudo su (Hit Enter)

Enter the Password

Change the permission of the Dropbox folder

sudo chmod 777 Dropbox 

Create a bash script file in the Dropbox Directory for scheduled backup 

sudo gedit Dropbox/

Add  the following lines to the file


PGPASSWORD="dspace" pg_dump -U dspace -h localhost -Fc dspace | gzip > backup_dspace/dspace-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S).sql.gz

now=$(date +"%d_%m_%Y")

zip -r  /home/dspace/Dropbox/$ /dspace/assetstore

zip -r  /home/dspace/Dropbox/$ /dspace/log

Change the Username and Password as your DSpace database and give the right path to the Dropbox directory.

Give the permission for execution

sudo chmod +x Dropbox/

Execute the file, Run the following command

sh Dropbox/

Now open the Crontab for automatic backup

crontab -e

Select nano editor to open it

Add the following lines at the bottom of the file

30 17 * * * Dropbox/

00 17 * * * find Dropbox/* -mtime +60 -exec rm {} ;

Now Save (ctrl+o) and close (ctrl+x) 

The above-mentioned commands will take a backup of the database, assetstore, and log files at 5:30 P.M. daily and after 60 days it will delete automatically old files at 05:00 P.M. 

How to take a backup of the koha database automatically on Dropbox

Koha Backup in Google Drive

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  1. Hello sir! do you have a guide of restoring the backup data of dspace7.x?
