Journals/Serials Management in Koha LMS

The Serials module in Koha is used to manage and track the subscription of the journals, magazines, newspapers, and other items that the library receives on a regular schedule.  


Create a vendor (if already created then search vendor from the list)

Koha Home ⇒ Acquisitions⇒ New vendor

Enter the vendor's details that are available e.g. Company, Contact, and Ordering information.

Add  New Journal record

Koha Home ⇒ Catalouging ⇒ Add marc record ⇒ Setting ⇒ Select framework

Enter the cataloging details of the journal e.g. ISSN, Title, Publisher, Place of the publisher, etc., and Save.  No need to enter the Item details.

Now upload the cover image of the journal. 

Download the image of the cover page of the journal. You may find the cover image on the publisher's website or you can click the picture directly from the journal.

1. Koha tools ⇒Upload cover local image⇒Choose file ⇒Upload file⇒ Select image file⇒Enter cover biblionumber⇒Process image
2. Go to koha administration ⇒ Global System preferences ⇒ Enhanced Content Prefrences⇒ Local or remote Cover Images 

LocalCoverImages⇒ Display
OPACLocalCoverImages⇒ Display

Save all enhanced content preferences 

Add Subscription (Part-1)

Koha Home > Serials > New subscription

Search the vendor from the list of vendors and likewise search the journals from the catalog.

Fill in details for the journal

Call number: Put the call number of the journal.

Library:  Select the library from the dropdown.

Public note: If any information regarding a particular journal. This will visible to users through OPAC 

Nonpublic note: Enter remarks about the journal if any. This will be visible from the staff interface only

Patron notification: If you want to send the notification to the users when a new issue is received  then select 'new serial issue.' (For this option appears you need to set routing list notice from the HomeTools  notice and slips)

Location: Choose the shelving location of the journal

Grace period: Enter the grace period. After the grace period is over, the issue will automatically move from expected to late.

Number of issues to display to staff: Enter the value to display issue to staff 

Number of issues to display to public: Enter the value to display issues to users through OPAC

After entering the details click on the Next button

 Add Subscription (Part-2)

First issue publication date: Enter the publication date of the first issue of the journal subscription 

Frequency: Choose the frequency of the journal from the dropdown e.g. 1/month 1/year, 4/year, Irregular, etc. (If you do not find the suitable frequency in the list  for your journal then go to home➞ serials➞ frequencies➞ Manage frequencies ➞add new frequency)

Subscription length: Enter the number of issues or months in the subscription. 

Subscription start date: Subscription starting date (e.g. 01/01/2022)

Subscription end date: Subscription expiring date (e.g. 31/12/2022)

Numbering Pattern: select a number pattern (e.g. Volume, Issue). (If you wish to add a new numbering pattern then go to home➞ serials➞ Numbring pattren➞add new numbering pattern) 

Locale: Leave it blank (if English is used)

Now Click on the Test prediction pattern button and see that the system has generated the correct number and publication date. If it is correct then save it. 

Receive Issues

When you received the issues you can mark them as received from several locations. You may use the search box on the top of the serials page to find the journal which you received.

Receive the issues of the journal 

1. Change the status from Expected to Arrived.

2. Enter the details of supplementary issues if any

3. If you received multiple issues then click on the multi-receiving button and enter a number of receiving issues.

4. Click on the Save button

Now the current issue/issues of the journal have been received. You can Search the Journal from the staff client or through Koha OPAC.

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