Easy Steps to Change Time Zone in Ubuntu

During the installation process in Linux, the system asks you to set your time zone. By mistake If you choose the wrong timezone or if you need to move to some other part of the world, you can easily change it later.
You can change the timezone on the Linux OS using the command line or with the simple graphical user interface (GUI). You may also change the /etc/timezone file directly but I would not recommend it.
Let's know both the way to change the timezone

1. Through the Command Line 

Open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t ) and apply the following command

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

A Popup window appears in the terminal. Follow the directions

Select the geographic area with the up and down arrow keys and hit enter 
Select time Zone
Now Select the closest city to you and hit enter

2. Through the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Click on the System menu near the power button on the top panel in the right corner, go to the setting, and click on 'Time and Date'.

Click on the currently selected time zone it will bring you to the world map.

Click on the area of your location on the time zone map and select the city closest to your area. 

Go on the setting on the top left side and quit from the drop-down to close it.


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