How to remove unwanted fields from patrons data entry form in staff client and OPAC

Koha Staff Client

Home ›Administration › System preferences › Patrons › Patron form ›  BorrowerUnwantedField

Click on the tab as pictured below 

The following popup window will appear. Now tick on the fields which you do not want in the patron form in the staff client interface.

Alternatively, you can select all tabs fields which are shown in the above picture with the red arrow and Paste the following unwanted fields.


Koha OPAC 

Home ›Administration › System preferences › OPAC ›Self registration and modification ›PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField

Click on the tab as pictured below 

The following popup window will appear. Now tick on the fields which you do not want in the self-registration patrons form in OPAC

Alternatively, you can select all tabs fields which are shown in the above picture with the red arrow and Paste the following unwanted fields.


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