Use of Customized MARC Bibliographic Framework for cataloging in Koha

The koha comes with a default data entry marc framework. This default framework includes all the tags and subfields of marc-21, which are scattered in the various tabs (0 to 9). The librarian/cataloger has not required all the tags and subfields for the entry of bibliographic records. Even cataloging with the default framework is tough and a time-consuming process because the librarian/cataloger has to go through all the tabs. This is the view of the default framework in the following picture:-

Default bibliographic framework

So we can create customized marc bibliographic frameworks with the required fields for our library and import that framework into the koha,  

Follow the below steps to import a customized framework in Koha:-

Customize the framework with required tags and subfields. It should be saved in the .csv, .xml or .ods format. You can download the customized framework from here.

Now add a new marc framework or edit the existing framework. Remember, do not edit/delete the default marc framework. Create a new framework or edit any other instead of the default framework. 

Koha  Administration > MARC Bibliographic Framework > New Framework 

Enter the Framework code e.g. "BKJ" and description e.g. "Books and Journals" in the below-pictured fields.

To import the created/downloaded ‘framework for Books and Journals’ into the system, click on the 'action' option of the newly created template, and further click on the ‘import’ option.

Now, the system will be asked to choose the file for uploading the customized framework. Next, upload the file and finally click on the  ‘Import’ button.

At last, the system will be asked for confirmation. Click on the ‘OK’  button

Once your framework is imported into the koha, you will be brought to the editing page to make changes to the framework. Here you can edit the tags, subfields, etc. in the uploaded framework.

Open the cataloging module and select the imported 'books and journals' framework. Now see the below picture, there are showing required fields only in the template.

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