Patron attributes are used to define custom fields (e.g. Course name, Class name, Category name, Blood group, etc.) to associate with your patron records. In order to enable the use of custom fields you need to set the ExtendedPatronAttributes from the koha system preferences.
Enable Patron Attributes
Koha Administration ➤Global System preferences ➤ Patrons ➤ ExtendedPatronAttributes ➤ Enable
Create an Authorized Value for the course
Koha Administration ➤ Authorized values ➤ New category
Enter the Authorized value in the new category and Save it.
Add Courses name to the Authorized values.
Add the name of courses one by one and save
You can add as many courses as you want
Add a new patron attribute type for the Course.
Koha Administration ➤ Patron attribute types ➤ New Patron attribute type
Enter details of Patron Attribute Type for Course and save
You will see the drop-down list of additional field of course names while adding the patrons
Create a Report on Patron Attributes
SELECT a.borrowernumber, p.cardnumber, p.firstname, p.surname, a.code, a.attribute AS CourseName
FROM borrower_attributes a
LEFT JOIN borrowers p USING (borrowernumber)
WHERE a.code = 'Course'
(In the above particular report, we used the patron attribute code "Course" under the "where" statement. You can customize the report as per your patron attribute code.)
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