Prepare a List of Accession numbers (Barcodes)
Login to koha staff client and navigate the Inventory Tool
Koha Tools ➤ Inventory
Upload your file by using the 'Choose file' button under the ‘Use a barcode file’ tab.
Alternatively, you can directly scan the barcodes one by one using the portable scanner into the Barcode list section. If you going to scan barcodes in the Barcode list section, do not scan more than 1000 barcodes at a time. It may cause the time out of the koha Inventory tool.
Under the ''Parameters''
Set inventory date to:- This is today's date by default. Leave it as the default date. However, You can change it when you scanned barcodes.
Compare barcodes list to results:- Select the checkbox to compare and identify the barcodes on the shelving locations which are not scanned.
Do not return items scanned during inventory: Select the checkbox to insure the items will not be marked as returned during the running inventory tool.
Check barcodes list for items shelved out of order: Koha will check and update the status if any of the items are included in the scanned list and the status is as lost in koha.
Under the ‘Item location filters’
Choose your Library location, Concerned library, Shelving location, Call number range, etc.