Backup of In-Out management database

Manual Backup of In-Out Management Database

Open the terminal and Apply the following commands

sudo su

mysqldump -uinoutsystem -padmin@123 inoutsystem | xz > inoutsystem-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H.%M).sql.xz

Automatic backup of In-Out Management Database using crontab

sudo su

crontab -e 

Take the cursor at the bottom of the file using the down arrow key and paste the following script

*/60 * * * * mysqldump -uinoutsystem -padmin@123  inoutsystem | xz > /home/inoutsystem-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H.%M).sql.xz

Save and close the file (Enter Ctrl+X then Y keys)

The above command will take a backup of the in-out management database every 60 minutes in the home directory.

Note:-In the above-mentioned scripts where:-

-u inoutsystem ⇒In-out management system database username

-p admin@123 ⇒ Password of the in-out system database

inoutsystem ⇒ Name of in-out system database

How to configure In-Out plugin in koha

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